Incorporating Jammit With Django Jul 30th, 2011 Jammit is an asset packaging library for Rails written by the hackers at DocumentCloud (they also brought us Backbone). It works pretty much out of the box in Django, but a little configuration is needed. # Put this file in core/management/commands/ (or other app of your choice). # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from subprocess import call from import BaseCommand, CommandError from import call_command class Command(BaseCommand): help = "Collect static files and create assets." def handle(self, **options): call_command('collectstatic', link=True, interactive=False) # staticfiles's finders will not find assets if they are put # in public/assets/ (symlink to static/assets/) directly. This is # also why we override STATICFILES_DIRS in call(['jammit', '--output', 'jammit/assets', '--force'])