
Programming and ramblings on software engineering.

Tangled Up in Tools

On what’s wrong with libraries, and what to do about it.

The simplest thing that we can do right now is to rethink how we document libraries. Automatic documentation tools like Javadoc and Rdoc are good for producing thick stacks of paper, but not so hot at actually telling library users the things they need to know. They are the source of most of the world’s “newRecordAddedHook is called when a new record is added” documentation. They can be useful, but they are no substitute for actually writing about the library: single-page summaries that answer the three key questions: what the library does, why you should use it, and how to do so. For bonus points, the one-page summary should avoid using the word “enterprise” (unless it’s a library of Star Trek ships) and “innovative.”
